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Aspromonte, Land of the Forgotten



简介:At the end of the 1950's in Africo, a sm详情



Aspromonte, Land of the ForgottenAspromonte,LandoftheForgotten剧情介绍分集剧情

At the end of the 1950's in Africo, a small village in the southern valley of Aspromonte, a woman dies in childbirth because a doctor fails to arrive on time. No road connects Africo with other villages. In the wake of this tragedy, all of Africo's including children - abandon their usual occupations and unite to build their own road. Giulia, the new school teacher, comes from the North with a mission to teach standard Italian to help bring cultural cohesion with Africo and the rest of Italy. But she will have to contend with local mafiosi Don Totó, who is determined to ensure this the town remains cut off, and thus, under his power.

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